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Everything You Need to Know About Metal Roofing

Understanding Metal Roofing

Metal roofing has gained popularity due to its durability, energy efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. It’s an excellent choice for homeowners looking for a long-term roofing solution. Here, Tried and True Roofing delve into the key aspects of metal roofing that make it a preferred option for many.

Durability and Longevity

One of the most significant advantages of metal roofing is its exceptional durability. Metal roofs can withstand extreme weather conditions, including heavy snow, high winds, and hail. Unlike traditional asphalt shingles, metal roofing does not deteriorate quickly and can last up to 50 years or more with proper maintenance.

Energy Efficiency

Metal roofs are highly energy-efficient. They reflect solar radiant heat, which can reduce cooling costs by up to 25%. The reflective properties of metal roofing help keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, contributing to overall energy savings. This energy efficiency is a key factor for eco-conscious homeowners.

Aesthetic Appeal

Metal roofing is available in a variety of styles, colors, and finishes, allowing homeowners to achieve the desired look for their homes. Whether you prefer the traditional look of standing seam panels or the modern appeal of metal shingles, there is a metal roofing option to suit every architectural style.

Environmental Benefits

Metal roofing is an eco-friendly roofing option. Most metal roofs are made from recycled materials and are fully recyclable at the end of their lifespan. This reduces the demand for new raw materials and minimizes the environmental impact of roofing waste. Additionally, the energy efficiency of metal roofs contributes to lower carbon emissions.

Fire Resistance

Metal roofs are non-combustible and have a Class A fire rating, the highest rating possible. This makes them an excellent choice for areas prone to wildfires. A metal roof can provide peace of mind, knowing that your home has an added layer of protection against fire hazards.

Low Maintenance

Compared to other roofing materials, metal roofing requires minimal maintenance. Regular inspections and occasional cleaning are typically all that is needed to keep a metal roof in good condition. This low-maintenance feature is particularly appealing to homeowners who want a durable and hassle-free roofing solution.

Installation and Cost

Professional Installation

For the best results, metal roofing should be installed by experienced professionals. Proper installation is crucial to ensure the roof’s longevity and performance. Metal roofing contractors in Denver CO, such as Tried and True Roofing, have the expertise to handle the specific requirements of metal roof installations.

Cost Considerations

While the initial cost of metal roofing can be higher than other materials, the long-term benefits often outweigh the upfront investment. The durability, energy savings, and low maintenance requirements can result in significant cost savings over time. It’s essential to consider these factors when evaluating the overall cost of a metal roof.

Common Misconceptions

Noise Levels

A common misconception about metal roofing is that it is noisy during rain or hail storms. However, when properly installed with solid sheathing, a metal roof can be quieter than other roofing materials. The insulation and underlayment used in metal roofing systems help dampen sound, making them comparable in noise levels to traditional roofs.

Susceptibility to Rust

Modern metal roofing materials are designed to resist rust and corrosion. Most metal roofs are coated with protective layers, such as galvanized or galvalume coatings, which prevent rust and extend the roof’s lifespan. Regular maintenance and inspections can further ensure that your metal roof remains rust-free.

Weight Concerns

Despite being made of metal, these roofs are surprisingly lightweight. They are lighter than traditional asphalt shingles and significantly lighter than concrete or clay tiles. This lightweight nature makes metal roofing easier to handle during installation and places less stress on the structural integrity of your home.


Metal roofing offers numerous benefits, making it an excellent choice for homeowners seeking durability, energy efficiency, and aesthetic versatility. With proper installation and maintenance, a metal roof can provide long-lasting protection and value for your home. Companies like Tried and True Roofing in Denver CO are equipped to deliver top-quality metal roofing solutions tailored to your specific needs. If you’re considering metal roofing in Denver or elsewhere, it’s worth exploring the various options available to find the perfect fit for your home.