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Roofing services Denver Denver roofing contractors Roof repair Denver Roof replacement Denver Residential roofing Denver Commercial roofing Denver

The Ultimate Guide to Roofing Tiny Houses


As the tiny house movement continues to grow, the demand for reliable and efficient roofing solutions has never been higher. At Tried and True Roofing, we understand the unique challenges and requirements that come with roofing tiny homes. This comprehensive guide will provide valuable insights and tips to ensure your tiny house has a roof that not only looks great but also stands the test of time.

Choosing the Right Roofing Material

Metal Roofing: Durability and Style

Metal roofing in Denver is a popular choice for tiny houses due to its durability, lightweight nature, and aesthetic appeal. Available in various styles and colors, metal roofing can complement any tiny house design. The long lifespan and low maintenance requirements make it a cost-effective option in the long run.

Asphalt Shingles: Cost-Effective and Versatile

Asphalt shingles are another excellent option for tiny house roofing. They are affordable, easy to install, and come in a wide range of colors and styles. While they may not last as long as metal roofing, their cost-effectiveness, and versatility make them a preferred choice for many tiny house owners.

Cedar Shakes: Natural Beauty and Insulation

For those looking for a more rustic and natural look, cedar shakes offer both aesthetic appeal and excellent insulation properties. Cedar shakes can enhance the overall appearance of your tiny house while providing good thermal insulation. However, they require regular maintenance to prevent issues like rot and insect damage.

Roofing Design Considerations

Roof Pitch and Water Drainage

The roof pitch is a crucial factor in tiny house roofing. A steeper pitch allows for better water drainage and reduces the risk of leaks. It is essential to design your roof with an appropriate pitch to ensure efficient water runoff, especially in areas with heavy rainfall.

Ventilation: Maintaining a Healthy Roof

Proper ventilation is vital for the longevity and health of your tiny house roof. Adequate ventilation helps regulate temperature, prevents moisture buildup, and reduces the risk of mold and mildew. Installing ridge vents, soffit vents, or gable vents can improve airflow and maintain a healthy roof structure.

Insulation: Enhancing Energy Efficiency

Insulation is a key component of any roofing system, particularly for tiny houses. Good insulation helps maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, reduces energy costs, and protects the roof from extreme temperature fluctuations. Options like spray foam, rigid foam, and fiberglass insulation can be used to enhance the energy efficiency of your tiny house roof.

Installation Best Practices

Professional Installation vs. DIY

While some tiny house enthusiasts may opt for a DIY approach, it is often beneficial to hire professional roofers in Denver. Experienced professionals have the skills and knowledge to ensure your roof is installed correctly, reducing the risk of future issues. Tried and True Roofing offers expert installation services, ensuring your tiny house roof is built to last.

Ensuring Proper Sealing and Flashing

Proper sealing and flashing are essential to prevent leaks and water damage. Pay close attention to areas around vents, chimneys, and skylights, as these are common points of water infiltration. Using high-quality materials and ensuring a meticulous installation process can significantly extend the life of your roof.

Maintenance Tips for Tiny House Roofs

Regular Inspections

Regular inspections are crucial for identifying potential issues before they become major problems. Inspect your roof at least twice a year, looking for signs of damage, wear, or leaks. Promptly addressing any issues can prevent costly repairs down the line.

Cleaning and Debris Removal

Keeping your roof clean and free of debris is essential for maintaining its integrity. Leaves, branches, and other debris can trap moisture and cause damage over time. Regularly clean your roof and gutters to ensure proper water drainage and prevent buildup.

Addressing Repairs Promptly

If you notice any damage or wear during your inspections, address repairs promptly. Ignoring minor issues can lead to more significant problems, such as leaks or structural damage. Whether it’s replacing a few shingles or fixing a small leak, timely repairs can save you from costly repairs in the future.


Investing in a high-quality roofing system for your tiny house is essential for protecting your home and ensuring its longevity. By choosing the right materials, considering design factors, and following the best installation and maintenance practices, you can have a durable and beautiful roof that enhances your tiny house’s living experience. At Tried and True Roofing, we are committed to providing top-notch Denver roofing services and expertise to help you achieve the perfect roof for your tiny house.

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Metal roofing Denver Metal roof installation Denver Denver metal roofing specialists Metal roofing contractors in Colorado Eco-friendly metal roofing Denver Denver CO metal roofing solutions Metal roofing services in Denver

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Metal Roof


Selecting the right Denver metal roof for your home is a significant decision. At Tried and True Roofing, we understand the importance of making an informed choice that ensures durability, efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. This guide highlights essential factors to consider when choosing a metal roof, tailored to help homeowners in Colorado and beyond.

Material Quality and Durability

When it comes to metal roofing Denver CO, the quality of materials used plays a crucial role in the longevity and performance of your roof. Premium metals like aluminum, steel, and copper offer excellent durability and resistance to harsh weather conditions. These materials are not only long-lasting but also require minimal maintenance, making them a cost-effective choice in the long run.

Coating and Finish

The coating and finish on your metal roof are vital for protection against corrosion, UV rays, and other environmental factors. Look for roofs with high-quality coatings such as Kynar 500 or Hylar 5000, which provide superior resistance to fading and chalking. A good finish also enhances the aesthetic appeal of your roof, allowing you to choose from a variety of colors and textures to match your home’s style.

Energy Efficiency

One of the significant benefits of metal roofing is its energy efficiency. Metal roofs reflect solar heat, which can reduce cooling costs by up to 25%. Choosing a roof with a high Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) ensures that your home remains cool during the hot summer months. This eco-friendly roofing solution is not only beneficial for your wallet but also for the environment, reducing your carbon footprint.

Weather Resistance

In Colorado, metal roofing must withstand diverse weather conditions, from heavy snowfall to intense sun. Metal roofs are designed to be highly resistant to weather extremes, offering protection against wind, hail, and even fire. Ensure that your chosen metal roof has passed rigorous testing standards and is certified to withstand severe weather conditions.

Installation Expertise

The quality of installation is as important as the quality of materials. Proper installation by experienced metal roofing contractors ensures that your roof performs optimally and lasts longer. At Tried and True Roofing, our team of skilled professionals is trained to handle complex installations, ensuring precision and attention to detail.

Warranty and Support

A comprehensive warranty is a testament to the manufacturer’s confidence in their product. Look for metal roofs that come with robust warranties covering both materials and installation. A good warranty not only protects your investment but also provides peace of mind knowing that you are covered in case of any defects or issues.

Environmental Impact

Opting for eco-friendly roofing solutions is increasingly important in today’s environmentally conscious world. Metal roofing is 100% recyclable at the end of its life cycle, reducing landfill waste. Additionally, many metal roofs are made from recycled materials, further contributing to environmental conservation.

Aesthetic Appeal

Beyond functionality, the aesthetic appeal of your roof significantly impacts your home’s overall look. Metal roofs offer a wide range of styles, colors, and finishes to complement any architectural design. Whether you prefer the sleek look of standing seam panels or the traditional appearance of metal shingles, there is a metal roofing option to suit your taste.

Cost Considerations

While metal roofing may have a higher upfront cost compared to other roofing materials, it offers excellent value over time due to its durability, low maintenance, and energy efficiency. When evaluating costs, consider the long-term savings on repairs, replacements, and energy bills.


Choosing the right metal roof involves careful consideration of various factors, from material quality to installation expertise. At Tried and True Roofing, we are committed to providing top-notch metal roofing solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients. By focusing on quality, efficiency, and aesthetic appeal, we ensure that your investment in metal roofing yields lasting benefits for your home.

For those seeking metal roofing in Denver or Colorado, our team stands ready to assist with expert advice and professional installation services. Trust Tried and True Roofing for a reliable, durable, and beautiful metal roof that enhances your home’s value and performance.

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Roofing services Denver Denver roofing contractors Roof repair Denver Roof replacement Denver Residential roofing Denver Commercial roofing Denver Denver roof inspection

Understanding What Your Roof Is Trying to Tell You: A Comprehensive Guide

Your roof is the primary shield against the elements, protecting your home and its inhabitants. Understanding the signs your roof may be giving you is crucial to maintaining its integrity and ensuring your safety. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the various indicators that your roof might need attention, repairs, or even replacement.

Recognizing Early Warning Signs

Shingle Deterioration

Shingles are your roof’s first line of defense. Over time, they can deteriorate due to exposure to harsh weather conditions. Look for the following signs:

  • Cracked or Curled Shingles: These indicate that your shingles are nearing the end of their lifespan.
  • Granules in Gutters: If you find granules in your gutters, it means the shingles are losing their protective coating.
  • Missing Shingles: This exposes your roof to potential leaks and structural damage.

Leaks and Water Damage

Water damage is one of the most critical issues that can affect your roof. Signs to watch for include:

  • Water Stains on Ceilings and Walls: These are clear indicators of a leak.
  • Mold and Mildew Growth: Excess moisture can lead to mold, which poses health risks.
  • Sagging Roof Deck: This suggests significant water damage and potential structural issues.

The Impact of Weather on Your Roof

Extreme Weather Conditions

Roofs in Denver are particularly susceptible to damage from extreme weather conditions. Understanding how these conditions affect your roof can help in timely interventions:

  • Hailstorms: Hail can cause significant damage, leading to dents, cracks, and broken shingles.
  • Heavy Snow: Accumulated snow adds weight and can cause structural stress.
  • High Winds: Winds can lift shingles and expose the underlying layers of your roof.

Seasonal Maintenance Tips

Regular maintenance can prolong the life of your roof. Here are some seasonal tips:

  • Spring and Summer: Inspect for any damage caused by winter weather. Clean gutters and check for loose or damaged shingles.
  • Fall: Ensure your roof is ready for the upcoming winter. Clear debris and inspect for any signs of wear and tear.

Professional Inspection and Maintenance

Importance of Regular Inspections

Engaging professional roofers in Denver like Tried and True Roofing for regular inspections can prevent minor issues from becoming major problems. A professional inspection typically includes:

  • Detailed Roof Assessment: Identifying hidden issues that might not be visible to the untrained eye.
  • Preventive Maintenance: Addressing small problems before they escalate.
  • Expert Recommendations: Providing advice on repairs, maintenance, and potential roof replacement.

Choosing the Right Roofing Company

Selecting a reliable roofing company is crucial for the maintenance and longevity of your roof. When looking for a roofing company in Denver, consider the following:

  • Experience and Expertise: Ensure the company has a proven track record.
  • Customer Reviews: Check for positive feedback and testimonials.
  • Comprehensive Services: Choose a company that offers a wide range of roofing services, from repairs to complete replacements.

Roofing Materials and Their Lifespan

Common Roofing Materials

Different roofing materials offer varying lifespans and benefits. Here are some common options:

  • Asphalt Shingles: Popular for their affordability and ease of installation, they typically last 20-30 years.
  • Metal Roofing: Known for its durability and longevity, metal roofing can last 40-70 years.
  • Tile Roofing: Offers a classic look and can last 50-100 years, though it requires a strong supporting structure.
  • Wood Shingles and Shakes: Provide a natural appearance but require more maintenance and have a lifespan of 25-30 years.

Selecting the Right Material

Choosing the right roofing material depends on various factors, including:

  • Climate: Consider the weather conditions in Denver.
  • Aesthetics: Select a material that complements your home’s architecture.
  • Budget: Factor in both initial costs and long-term maintenance expenses.

When to Consider Roof Replacement

Evaluating the Need for Replacement

There comes a time when repairs are no longer sufficient, and a full roof replacement becomes necessary. Signs that it’s time to consider replacement include:

  • Age of the Roof: Most roofs last between 20-25 years.
  • Frequent Repairs: If you find yourself constantly repairing your roof, it may be more cost-effective to replace it.
  • Extensive Damage: Widespread issues such as large leaks, severe shingle damage, and structural problems warrant a replacement.

Benefits of Timely Replacement

Replacing your roof before it fails completely offers several benefits:

  • Enhanced Protection: A new roof provides better protection against the elements.
  • Increased Property Value: A new roof can boost your home’s market value.
  • Energy Efficiency: Modern roofing materials can improve your home’s energy efficiency, reducing heating and cooling costs.


Maintaining a healthy roof is essential for the safety and longevity of your home. By recognizing early warning signs, performing regular maintenance, and knowing when to call in professional roofers in Denver, you can ensure that your roof remains in optimal condition. For all your roofing needs, including inspections, repairs, and replacements, consider reaching out to Tried and True Roofing, a trusted name in the industry.

By staying proactive and attentive to your roof’s needs, you can protect your investment and enjoy peace of mind knowing your home is well-protected.

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Metal roofing Denver Metal roof installation Denver Denver metal roofing specialists Metal roofing contractors in Colorado Eco-friendly metal roofing Denver Denver CO metal roofing solutions

The Future of Roofing: Exploring Innovative Metal Roofing Solutions

Introduction to Modern Metal Roofing

In recent years, the roofing industry has experienced significant advancements, particularly in the realm of metal roofing. As homeowners and businesses alike seek durable, sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing roofing options, metal roofing has emerged as a leading choice. This article delves into the myriad benefits of metal roofing, with a particular focus on innovations that set the standard for the future.

Benefits of Metal Roofing

Durability and Longevity

One of the most compelling reasons for choosing metal roofing in Denver is its unparalleled durability. Unlike traditional asphalt shingles, metal roofs can withstand harsh weather conditions, including heavy snow, hail, and high winds. They are resistant to cracking, shrinking, and eroding, which ensures a long lifespan, often exceeding 50 years with minimal maintenance.

Energy Efficiency

Denver metal roofs are highly reflective, which helps in reducing cooling costs by reflecting the sun’s rays rather than absorbing them. This energy efficiency not only lowers utility bills but also contributes to a more comfortable indoor environment. Moreover, many metal roofing systems are designed to accommodate solar panels, further enhancing their eco-friendly appeal.

Environmental Sustainability

Metal roofing is an eco-friendly option, often made from recycled materials and fully recyclable at the end of its life. This reduces landfill waste and the demand for new raw materials. Additionally, metal roofs are energy efficient, contributing to lower carbon footprints for homeowners and businesses.

Innovative Features of Modern Metal Roofing

Advanced Coating Technologies

Modern metal roofing systems benefit from advanced coating technologies that enhance their performance and longevity. These coatings protect the metal from corrosion, UV rays, and other environmental factors. They also come in a variety of colors and finishes, allowing for customization to match any architectural style.

Interlocking Panels for Superior Protection

Interlocking metal panels are designed to provide superior protection against water infiltration and wind uplift. These panels are engineered to create a seamless, tight seal that prevents leaks and ensures structural integrity. This feature is particularly beneficial in areas prone to severe weather conditions.

Lightweight and Easy Installation

Despite their robustness, metal roofs are surprisingly lightweight compared to traditional roofing materials. This not only makes installation easier and faster but also reduces the load on the building’s structure. The ease of installation translates to lower labor costs and minimal disruption to the property.

Case Study: Tried and True Roofing’s Metal Roofing Projects

Tried and True Roofing has been at the forefront of implementing innovative metal roofing solutions in Colorado. One notable project involved the installation of a state-of-the-art metal roof on a commercial building, showcasing the benefits of this roofing type.

Project Overview

The project required a durable and aesthetically pleasing roofing solution that could withstand Colorado’s diverse weather conditions. Tried and True Roofing selected a high-performance metal roofing system with advanced coating technology and interlocking panels.

Results and Benefits

The new metal roof not only enhanced the building’s appearance but also improved its energy efficiency and weather resistance. The reflective coating reduced cooling costs, while the interlocking panels ensured a watertight seal, preventing leaks and water damage.

Future Trends in Metal Roofing

Smart Roofing Technologies

The future of metal roofing Denver CO lies in the integration of smart technologies. These include solar panel integration, which allows homeowners to generate their own electricity and reduce reliance on the grid. Additionally, advancements in insulation materials are making metal roofs even more energy-efficient.

Green Roofing Systems

Green roofing systems, which incorporate vegetation and other natural elements, are gaining popularity. Metal roofs provide a sturdy base for these systems, supporting the growth of plants that improve air quality and reduce the heat island effect in urban areas.

Enhanced Aesthetic Options

As the demand for metal roofing grows, so does the variety of aesthetic options available. Manufacturers are continually developing new colors, textures, and finishes that mimic traditional roofing materials while offering the benefits of metal. This allows property owners to achieve the desired look without compromising on performance.


The advancements in metal roofing technology have solidified its position as a premier choice for both residential and commercial properties. With benefits such as durability, energy efficiency, and environmental sustainability, metal roofing is a smart investment for the future. Tried and True Roofing continues to lead the industry in providing top-tier metal roofing solutions, ensuring that properties are not only protected but also enhanced in value and efficiency.

By embracing the latest innovations and trends, metal roofing will undoubtedly remain a cornerstone of modern construction, offering reliable and sustainable solutions for years to come.

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The Challenges of Repairing a High-Slope Residential Roof

Understanding High-Slope Roofs

High-slope roofs, commonly found in residential areas, present a unique set of challenges for roof repair. These roofs, typically featuring a pitch of 6:12 or greater, require specialized knowledge and equipment to ensure safe and effective repairs. At Tried and True Roofing, we understand the intricacies involved in maintaining and repairing these complex structures.

Safety Concerns

Working at Height

Repairing high-slope roofs involves significant safety risks, primarily due to the steep angles and elevated positions. Denver roofers must be adept at working on these inclines, employing harnesses, scaffolding, and other safety equipment to prevent falls and injuries. Our team prioritizes safety, ensuring all necessary precautions are taken to protect both our workers and your property.

Weather Conditions

Weather plays a crucial role in the safety and success of roof repairs. High winds, rain, and ice can make working on a high-slope roof particularly hazardous. We carefully schedule our repairs, considering weather forecasts to minimize risks and ensure optimal working conditions.

Technical Challenges

Material Compatibility

High-slope roofs often require specific materials that differ from those used on lower-pitch roofs. Shingles, tiles, and metal roofing systems must be installed correctly to withstand the increased gravitational forces. At Tried and True Roofing, we select materials that not only match the aesthetic of your home but also provide durability and longevity.

Installation Techniques

Proper installation techniques are essential for high-slope roofs. Errors in shingle alignment, nailing patterns, or underlayment placement can lead to significant issues such as leaks or structural damage. Our experienced roofers employ precise methods, ensuring each component is correctly installed to withstand the demands of high-slope environments.

Maintenance Considerations

Regular Inspections

Regular inspections are vital for high-slope roofs to identify and address potential issues before they escalate. Due to the challenging nature of these roofs, homeowners often overlook necessary maintenance, leading to costly repairs down the line. We recommend scheduling annual inspections to keep your roof in optimal condition.

Debris Removal

High-slope roofs are prone to debris accumulation, which can obstruct water flow and cause damage. Leaves, branches, and other debris must be routinely cleared to prevent clogging and water buildup. Our team offers comprehensive maintenance services, including debris removal, to maintain the integrity of your roof.

The Role of Expertise

Experienced Professionals

Repairing a high-slope roof demands a high level of expertise and experience. Not all Denver roofing companies have the necessary skills to handle these complex repairs. At Tried and True Roofing, our team consists of seasoned professionals who have extensive experience working on high-slope roofs. We understand the unique challenges and are equipped to deliver exceptional results.

Customized Solutions

Every high-slope roof is different, requiring tailored solutions to address specific issues. Whether it’s repairing storm damage, replacing worn-out materials, or conducting preventive maintenance, our approach is customized to meet your roof’s unique needs. We pride ourselves on providing personalized service that ensures your roof remains in excellent condition.


Repairing high-slope residential roofs is a demanding task that requires specialized knowledge, safety measures, and technical expertise. By choosing Tried and True Roofing, you can trust that your high-slope roof will be repaired with the utmost care and professionalism. We are committed to delivering superior roofing Denver solutions that enhance the safety and longevity of your home. For all your roofing needs, including high-slope roof repairs, rely on our experienced team to provide reliable and efficient service.

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Metal roofing Denver Metal roof installation Denver Denver metal roofing specialists Metal roofing contractors in Colorado Eco-friendly metal roofing Denver Denver CO metal roofing solutions

Are Metal Shingles Right for Your Home?

Choosing the right roofing material is a crucial decision for homeowners. Denver Metal roof shingles have emerged as a popular option, offering a blend of durability, aesthetics, and energy efficiency. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of metal shingles to help you determine if they are the right choice for your home.

The Benefits of Metal Shingles

Durability and Longevity

Metal shingles are renowned for their durability. Unlike traditional asphalt shingles, metal shingles can withstand severe weather conditions, including heavy snow, hail, and high winds. They are resistant to cracking, shrinking, and eroding, which contributes to their long lifespan. Homeowners can expect metal shingles to last 40-70 years, depending on the material and maintenance.

Energy Efficiency

One of the significant advantages of metal shingles is their energy efficiency. Metal roofs reflect solar radiant heat, reducing cooling costs by 10-25%. This energy efficiency makes metal shingles an eco-friendly roofing option, aligning with the growing trend toward sustainable building practices.

Aesthetic Appeal

Metal shingles come in a variety of styles and colors, allowing homeowners to choose a look that complements their home’s architecture. Whether you prefer the traditional look of wood shake, the bold appearance of slate, or the classic style of tile, metal shingles can mimic these materials while offering superior performance.

Considerations for Metal Shingles

Initial Cost

The initial cost of metal shingles is higher compared to asphalt shingles. However, this cost is offset by their longevity and low maintenance requirements. Over time, the investment in metal shingles can lead to significant savings due to reduced repair and replacement costs.


Proper installation is critical for the performance of metal shingles. It is essential to hire experienced metal roofing contractors to ensure the shingles are installed correctly. Tried and True Roofing, for instance, offers professional installation services that guarantee the integrity and performance of your metal roof.

Environmental Impact

Metal shingles are an eco-friendly roofing option. They are often made from recycled materials and are fully recyclable at the end of their lifespan. Additionally, their energy efficiency contributes to a reduction in the overall carbon footprint of your home. For homeowners in Colorado, particularly those considering metal roofing in Denver, this eco-friendly aspect is a significant advantage.

Comparing Metal Shingles to Other Roofing Materials

Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are the most common roofing material due to their low cost and ease of installation. However, they have a shorter lifespan (15-30 years) and require more maintenance compared to metal shingles. Metal shingles, while initially more expensive, offer better long-term value due to their durability and energy efficiency.

Wood Shakes

Wood shakes provide a natural and rustic look but require significant maintenance to prevent rot, insect infestation, and fire hazards. Metal shingles can mimic the appearance of wood shakes without these drawbacks, offering a more durable and fire-resistant alternative.

Slate and Tile

Slate and tile roofs are known for their beauty and longevity but are also heavy and expensive. Metal shingles can replicate the look of slate and tile while being lighter and more affordable. This makes metal shingles an attractive option for homeowners who want the appearance of slate or tile without the associated costs and structural concerns.

Maintenance of Metal Shingles

Metal shingles require minimal maintenance compared to other roofing materials. Regular inspections and cleaning to remove debris are usually sufficient to keep a metal roof in good condition. It is also important to check for any signs of damage after severe weather and address them promptly to maintain the roof’s integrity.


Metal shingles offer a compelling combination of durability, energy efficiency, and aesthetic versatility. While the initial investment is higher, the long-term benefits and savings make metal shingles a worthwhile consideration for homeowners. If you are contemplating a new roof, consulting with experts like Tried and True Roofing can help you make an informed decision and ensure a high-quality installation.

For those in Colorado, particularly looking at metal roofing in Denver CO, the environmental benefits and resilience of metal shingles make them an excellent choice for a sustainable and durable roofing solution.

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Roofing services Denver Denver roofing contractors Roof repair Denver Roof replacement Denver Residential roofing Denver Commercial roofing Denver

Ensuring a Watertight Home: Expert Tips for Effective Water Management

Understanding the Impact of Water Damage

Water damage can be one of the most insidious threats to the integrity of your home. Beyond the obvious aesthetic issues, unchecked water infiltration can lead to structural damage, mold growth, and a host of other problems that compromise both safety and comfort. As experienced roofers in Denver, we at Tried and True Roofing understand the critical importance of effective water management and strive to provide comprehensive solutions to keep your home safe and dry.

Identifying Common Sources of Water Infiltration

Roof Leaks

One of the primary sources of water infiltration is roof leaks. Over time, roofing materials can degrade, leading to gaps and vulnerabilities. Regular inspections by a professional roofing company can identify potential issues before they become significant problems. We recommend scheduling bi-annual inspections, especially after severe weather events.

Gutters and Downspouts

Gutters and downspouts play a crucial role in directing water away from your home’s foundation. Clogged or damaged gutters can lead to water overflow, which may cause erosion around your foundation or seep into your basement. Ensuring that gutters are clean and properly aligned can prevent these issues.

Basement and Foundation

Basement and foundation leaks are often a result of improper drainage around the home. Water that pools near the foundation can seep through cracks and lead to significant water damage. Installing proper drainage systems and ensuring the grading of your landscape slopes away from the home are effective preventative measures.

Effective Water Management Strategies

Quality Roofing Installation and Maintenance

A well-installed and maintained roof is your first line of defense against water infiltration. Choosing durable materials and having them installed by experienced professionals is essential. At Tried and True Roofing, we use high-quality materials and employ expert installation techniques to ensure long-lasting protection. Regular maintenance, including the replacement of damaged shingles and sealing of gaps, further enhances your roof’s resilience.

Comprehensive Gutter Systems

Investing in a comprehensive gutter system is crucial for effective water management. This includes not only the gutters and downspouts but also gutter guards that prevent debris buildup. Regular cleaning and maintenance are necessary to ensure the system functions correctly, directing water away from your home efficiently.

Waterproofing Your Basement

Waterproofing your basement involves both interior and exterior strategies. Interior solutions include sealing cracks and installing sump pumps to manage any water that enters. Exterior solutions focus on preventing water from reaching your basement walls in the first place, through measures such as installing French drains and ensuring proper landscape grading.

Landscaping for Drainage

Proper landscaping can significantly impact water management around your home. Ensuring that your yard slopes away from the foundation and installing drainage solutions like swales and French drains can prevent water from pooling near your home. Additionally, using permeable materials for driveways and walkways can reduce surface runoff and promote natural water absorption into the soil.

The Role of Professional Roofers in Water Management

Working with professional roofers is essential for implementing effective water management strategies. Roofers bring the expertise needed to identify potential vulnerabilities and provide tailored solutions. In Colorado, roofers must be particularly vigilant due to the region’s unique weather patterns, which can exacerbate water infiltration issues.

At Tried and True Roofing, we pride ourselves on our comprehensive approach to roofing in Denver. We offer detailed inspections, expert installations, and proactive maintenance to ensure your home remains watertight. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction makes us a trusted choice for homeowners seeking reliable roofing solutions.


Effective water management is essential for protecting your home from water damage. By addressing common sources of water infiltration, investing in quality roofing and gutter systems, and implementing proper drainage solutions, you can safeguard your home’s integrity. Trusting experienced professionals like Tried and True Roofing ensures that your water management strategies are both effective and long-lasting. For residents looking for top-tier Denver roofing Colorado, our expertise and dedication make us the premier choice. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help keep your home safe and dry.

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Metal roofing Denver Metal roof installation Denver Denver metal roofing specialists Metal roofing contractors in Colorado Eco-friendly metal roofing Denver Denver CO metal roofing solutions

Is Metal Roofing Right for Your Home?

When considering roofing options, metal roofing is an exceptional choice due to its durability, energy efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. This article explores why metal roofing might be the perfect fit for your home, addressing key benefits, installation considerations, and long-term advantages.

The Benefits of Metal Roofing

Durability and Longevity

Denver metal roofs are renowned for their durability, often lasting 40-70 years, depending on the material. Unlike traditional asphalt shingles that typically require replacement every 20 years, metal roofing can withstand extreme weather conditions, including heavy snow, hail, and high winds. This longevity translates into significant cost savings over time.

Energy Efficiency

One of the most compelling advantages of metal roofing is its energy efficiency. Metal roofs reflect solar radiant heat, reducing cooling costs by 10-25%. This energy efficiency is particularly beneficial in warmer climates, where air conditioning costs can be substantial. Additionally, many metal roofing systems include reflective coatings that further enhance their energy-saving properties.

Aesthetic Versatility

Metal roofing is available in a variety of styles, colors, and finishes, allowing homeowners to choose a design that complements their home’s architecture. From traditional standing seam profiles to shingles that mimic the appearance of wood, slate, or tile, metal roofing offers an aesthetic versatility that can enhance the curb appeal of any home.

Installation Considerations

Professional Installation

While metal roofing can be installed over existing roofing materials, it is crucial to have it installed by experienced professionals. Proper installation ensures the roof’s longevity and performance. Tried and True Roofing, a reputable company, offers expert installation services that guarantee a secure and lasting metal roof.

Cost Considerations

The initial cost of metal roofing is higher than traditional roofing materials. However, this cost is offset by the roof’s durability, low maintenance requirements, and energy savings. Over the life of the roof, homeowners often find that metal roofing is a more cost-effective option.

Environmental Impact

Metal roofing in Denver  is an eco-friendly choice, as it is often made from recycled materials and is 100% recyclable at the end of its life. This sustainability makes metal roofing an excellent option for environmentally conscious homeowners. Additionally, the energy efficiency of metal roofs contributes to a reduced carbon footprint.

Long-term Advantages

Low Maintenance

One of the significant benefits of metal roofing is its low maintenance requirements. Metal roofs do not rot, crack, or warp, and they are resistant to mold and mildew. Regular inspections and minimal maintenance are usually sufficient to keep a metal roof in excellent condition.

Increased Home Value

Investing in a metal roof can increase the resale value of your home. Potential buyers recognize the benefits of metal roofing, including its longevity, energy efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. This increased home value can provide a solid return on investment.

Weather Resistance

Metal roofing is highly resistant to adverse weather conditions. It can withstand heavy snow, rain, and wind, making it an ideal choice for areas prone to severe weather. Additionally, metal roofs are fire-resistant, providing extra safety for your home.


Choosing a metal roof for your home offers numerous benefits, including durability, energy efficiency, and aesthetic versatility. With professional installation from companies like Tried and True Roofing, you can ensure your metal roof will perform exceptionally well for decades. Whether you’re considering metal roofing in Denver CO or exploring eco-friendly roofing options, metal roofing provides a reliable and attractive solution for your home.

In summary, the advantages of metal roofing make it a compelling choice for homeowners looking for long-term performance and energy savings. With the expertise of Tried and True Roofing, you can enjoy all the benefits that a high-quality metal roof has to offer.

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Comprehensive Comparison of Commercial Roofing Options for Denver Businesses

Choosing the right roofing system for your commercial property in Colorado can significantly impact the longevity and performance of your roof. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various commercial roofing options available, providing detailed insights to help you make an informed decision. Our expertise at Tried and True Roofing ensures you receive the best advice for your Denver roofing needs.

Types of Commercial Roofing Systems

1. TPO Roofing

Thermoplastic Olefin (TPO) roofing is a popular choice for commercial properties due to its durability and energy efficiency. TPO membranes are resistant to UV rays, chemicals, and punctures, making them an excellent option for Colorado’s varied climate. The white reflective surface of TPO helps in reducing cooling costs, which is a significant benefit during the hot summer months.

Advantages of TPO Roofing

  • Energy Efficiency: Reflective surface reduces energy costs.
  • Durability: Resistant to tears, punctures, and chemical exposure.
  • Ease of Installation: Lightweight material allows for quick and easy installation.

2. EPDM Roofing

Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) roofing is another widely used option in commercial roofing. Known for its exceptional weather resistance, EPDM is highly durable and can withstand extreme temperatures. This synthetic rubber membrane is available in both black and white, providing flexibility in managing heat absorption and reflection.

Advantages of EPDM Roofing

  • Weather Resistance: Excellent resistance to UV rays and ozone.
  • Longevity: Can last up to 30 years with proper maintenance.
  • Flexibility: Retains flexibility in low temperatures, preventing cracks and splits.

3. Modified Bitumen Roofing

Modified bitumen roofing is a type of asphalt-based roofing that is reinforced with fiberglass or polyester for added durability. This roofing system is typically installed in layers, providing a multi-layered defense against the elements. It is an ideal choice for flat or low-slope roofs commonly found in commercial buildings.

Advantages of Modified Bitumen Roofing

  • Durability: High resistance to heavy foot traffic and physical damage.
  • Waterproofing: Excellent waterproofing properties due to the multi-layered installation.
  • Ease of Repair: Simple to repair, extending the lifespan of the roof.

4. Metal Roofing

Metal roofing systems are renowned for their longevity and durability. Made from materials such as aluminum, steel, or copper, metal roofs can last over 50 years with minimal maintenance. Their ability to withstand harsh weather conditions makes them an excellent choice for businesses looking for a long-term roofing solution.

Advantages of Metal Roofing

  • Longevity: Can last over 50 years with proper care.
  • Durability: Highly resistant to wind, hail, and fire.
  • Energy Efficiency: Reflective surfaces reduce cooling costs.

5. Built-Up Roofing (BUR)

Built-Up Roofing, commonly known as BUR, consists of multiple layers of bitumen and reinforcing fabrics, creating a thick, durable roofing system. This traditional roofing method has been used for over a century and remains a reliable choice for many commercial properties.

Advantages of BUR

  • Durability: Multi-layered construction provides excellent protection.
  • Low Maintenance: Requires minimal maintenance over its lifespan.
  • Waterproofing: Exceptional waterproofing capabilities.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Commercial Roof


Colorado’s climate can be harsh, with significant temperature fluctuations and occasional severe weather. Choosing a roofing system that can withstand these conditions is crucial. TPO and metal roofs are particularly well-suited for this climate due to their durability and weather resistance.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is a vital consideration for reducing operational costs. Roofing systems with reflective surfaces, such as TPO and metal roofs, help reduce cooling costs by reflecting sunlight and maintaining cooler indoor temperatures.

Longevity and Maintenance

The lifespan of your roofing Denver system and the associated maintenance costs are critical factors. While metal roofs offer the longest lifespan, options like EPDM and TPO provide a good balance of durability and maintenance requirements.

Installation and Repair Costs

Initial installation and potential repair costs should also influence your decision. While some roofing systems like modified bitumen may have higher installation costs, their ease of repair can offset long-term maintenance expenses.


Selecting the right commercial roofing system involves considering various factors, including climate, energy efficiency, longevity, and costs. At Tried and True Roofing, we specialize in providing tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of businesses in Colorado. Whether you opt for TPO, EPDM, modified bitumen, metal, or BUR, our expert team is here to ensure you make the best choice for your property.

For more information on how we can assist with your commercial roofing needs, contact us at Tried and True Roofing. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction makes us one of the leading roofing companies in Denver.

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Enhancing Fire Protection with Metal Roofing


Fire safety is a critical concern for homeowners and businesses alike. Choosing the right roofing material can significantly impact a property’s resilience against fires. Metal roofing in Denver is known for its durability and eco-friendly properties and offers exceptional fire protection. In this article, we explore the fire-resistant qualities of metal roofing and how it can safeguard your home or business.

The Fire-Resistant Properties of Metal Roofing

Non-Combustible Materials

Metal roofing is inherently non-combustible. Unlike traditional roofing materials such as wood shingles or asphalt, metal does not ignite or fuel a fire. This characteristic makes metal roofs an excellent choice for areas prone to wildfires or other fire hazards. The non-combustible nature of metal roofing ensures that your roof will not contribute to the spread of fire, providing an added layer of protection.

High Melting Point

Metals used in roofing, such as steel and aluminum, have high melting points. This means they can withstand extreme temperatures without deforming or breaking down. In the event of a fire, metal roofing maintains its structural integrity, offering continuous protection for the underlying structure. This high resistance to heat makes metal roofing a reliable choice for enhancing fire safety.

Protective Coatings

Many metal roofing systems are coated with specialized finishes that further enhance their fire-resistant properties. These coatings can include fire-retardant materials that add an extra layer of defense against flames. Additionally, these finishes often improve the overall durability and longevity of the roof, making it a cost-effective investment in long-term fire protection.

The Role of Proper Installation

Expert Craftsmanship

Proper installation is crucial to maximizing the fire-resistant benefits of metal roofing. At Tried and True Roofing, our experienced professionals ensure that every metal roof is installed to the highest standards. This meticulous attention to detail helps prevent potential vulnerabilities that could compromise the roof’s fire resistance. By choosing a reputable metal roofing company in Denver, CO, you can trust that your roof will provide optimal protection.

Ventilation and Fire Barriers

Integrating appropriate ventilation and fire barriers into the roofing system is essential. Adequate ventilation reduces the risk of heat buildup, which can be a fire hazard. Fire barriers, such as fire-resistant underlayment, add an extra layer of protection. These components work together to enhance the overall fire resistance of the metal roofing system, ensuring comprehensive protection.

Environmental Benefits of Metal Roofing

Eco-Friendly Roofing

Metal roofing is not only fire-resistant but also environmentally friendly. Made from recyclable materials, metal roofs contribute to sustainable building practices. They reduce the need for frequent replacements, minimizing waste. Additionally, metal roofing reflects solar radiation, reducing energy consumption for cooling. This eco-friendly roofing option supports green initiatives and reduces the environmental footprint of your property.

Long Lifespan

The durability of metal roofing translates to a longer lifespan compared to traditional roofing materials. Metal roofs can last 50 years or more with proper maintenance, providing long-term protection against fire and other hazards. This extended lifespan reduces the frequency of roof replacements, leading to cost savings and less environmental impact over time.


Investing in metal roofing offers numerous benefits, including superior fire protection, durability, and environmental sustainability. By choosing metal roofing in Denver, you can enhance the safety and resilience of your property. At Tried and True Roofing, we are committed to providing high-quality metal roofing solutions that meet your needs. Trust our expertise to deliver a roof that offers unparalleled protection and peace of mind.

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