Metal roofing Denver Metal roof installation Denver Denver metal roofing specialists Metal roofing contractors in Colorado Eco-friendly metal roofing Denver Denver CO metal roofing solutions

Debunking Metal Roofing Myths

In the realm of modern construction and sustainable living, metal roofing has emerged as a beacon of innovation and efficiency. However, misconceptions about this roofing material abound, leading to hesitation among homeowners considering an upgrade. Tried and True Roofing, a leader in the roofing industry, aims to dispel these myths with facts, ensuring that property owners make informed decisions. Our expertise in metal roofing in Denver, especially within the vibrant landscapes of Colorado, positions us as your go-to source for reliable roofing solutions.

Myth 1: Metal Roofs Are Noisy

One common misconception is that metal roofs amplify the sound of rain and hail, creating a cacophony that’s unbearable. Contrary to this belief, metal roofs installed over a solid substrate and equipped with proper insulation actually reduce noise levels compared to other materials. The serene silence during a downpour is a testament to the advanced installation techniques employed by professionals like Tried and True Roofing, ensuring peace and comfort for your home or business.

Myth 2: Metal Roofing Attracts Lightning

The fear of lightning strikes makes some hesitant about metal roofing. However, metal does not attract lightning more than other materials. Lightning seeks the path of least resistance to the ground, not necessarily metal roofs. In the unlikely event of a strike, metal roofing disperses the energy safely throughout the structure, thanks to its non-combustible nature, offering an added layer of protection.

Myth 3: Metal Roofs Are Prone to Rust

Advancements in metal roofing technology have significantly reduced the risk of corrosion. Today’s metal roofs are treated with a metallic coating of zinc or aluminum, which is then painted with high-quality, durable paint designed to withstand the harshest weather conditions. This protective layer ensures that your roof remains vibrant and rust-free for decades, making metal roofing a smart choice for durability and longevity.

Myth 4: Metal Roofing Lacks Aesthetic Appeal

Gone are the days when metal roofing was solely utilitarian without thought for aesthetics. Modern metal roofing comes in a wide array of colors, finishes, and styles, including options that mimic traditional shingles, clay tiles, or even wood shakes. This versatility means that homeowners no longer have to compromise on beauty for the sake of durability. We specialize in customizing roofing solutions that enhance the architectural style of your property, ensuring that your roof is as visually appealing as it is functional.

Myth 5: Metal Roofs Are Excessively Expensive

While the initial investment in a metal roof may be higher than traditional materials, the long-term savings are undeniable. Metal roofs boast a lifespan of 40-70 years, significantly outlasting asphalt shingles that require replacement every 15-20 years. Additionally, metal roofing offers energy savings by reflecting solar radiant heat, reducing cooling costs by 10-25%. When considering the durability, energy efficiency, and minimal maintenance requirements, metal roofing emerges as a cost-effective solution over its lifetime.

Embracing ECO-Friendly Roofing with Tried and True Roofing

In our commitment to sustainability and innovation, Tried and True Roofing champions ECO-friendly roofing solutions. Our metal roofs are not only designed to enhance the aesthetic and functional aspects of your property but also to support environmental conservation efforts. With recyclable materials and energy-efficient properties, choosing a metal roof is a step towards a greener, more sustainable future.


The journey towards debunking myths about metal roofing in Denver is crucial for homeowners to appreciate the true value and potential of this roofing option. Tried and True Roofing is dedicated to providing top-tier metal roofing services, ensuring that each project reflects our commitment to quality, durability, and customer satisfaction. Our team of professional roofers in Denver is ready to transform your roofing experience, debunking myths and exceeding expectations with every project.