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Protecting Your Roof and Metal Panels from Wildlife Intrusions

In the scenic landscapes of Colorado, where the beauty of nature blends seamlessly with urban living, the durability and sustainability of metal roofing have become increasingly significant for homeowners. Tried and True Roofing, a leader in the metal roofing industry in Denver, Colorado offers invaluable advice on safeguarding your metal roofs against the potential damages caused by wildlife, ensuring the longevity and integrity of your investment.

Effective Strategies for Wildlife Prevention

Installation of Physical Barriers

One of the most effective methods to deter wildlife from causing harm to your metal roofs is the installation of physical barriers. These barriers, designed to prevent animals from accessing the roof, include metal mesh covers over vents, chimney caps, and ridge vent guards. Such installations not only block entry points but also maintain the roof’s aesthetic appeal without compromising its functionality.

Regular Maintenance and Inspections

Routine maintenance and inspections are crucial in identifying potential vulnerabilities on your roof that could invite wildlife. Tried and True Roofing emphasizes the importance of regular checks for any signs of damage or wear and tear. Early detection and repair of these issues can prevent wildlife from exploiting small openings, ensuring the structural integrity of your metal roofing.

Trim Overhanging Branches

Overhanging branches provide easy access for animals to reach your roof. By trimming these branches, you significantly reduce the likelihood of wildlife encounters. This preventive measure not only protects your roof but also minimizes the accumulation of organic debris, which can retain moisture and lead to corrosion of metal panels.

The Benefits of Choosing Metal Roofing for Wildlife Protection

Metal roofing offers unparalleled advantages when it comes to protecting your home from wildlife. Its robustness and durability make it less susceptible to damage from animals compared to traditional roofing materials. Furthermore, metal roofing in Colorado is known for its eco-friendly properties, contributing to a sustainable environment while providing superior protection against the elements and wildlife intrusions.

Durability and Longevity

Metal roofs are renowned for their ability to withstand extreme weather conditions, including heavy snowfall, hail, and high winds, common in the Denver area. This resilience extends to resisting the efforts of wildlife to penetrate or damage the roof, ensuring a longer lifespan and reducing the need for frequent repairs.

Eco-Friendly Roofing Solutions

Tried and True Roofing is committed to sustainability, offering eco-friendly roofing options that not only meet the aesthetic and functional needs of homeowners but also contribute to environmental conservation. Metal roofing is recyclable, reflects solar radiant heat, and can be installed over existing roofs, reducing waste and improving energy efficiency.


Protecting your metal roof from wildlife is an essential aspect of maintaining the value and safety of your home. Tried and True Roofing provides expert solutions and advice to ensure your roof remains impenetrable to wildlife, combining the benefits of metal roofing with strategic preventive measures. By choosing metal roofing in Denver, Colorado, and implementing the recommended strategies, homeowners can enjoy peace of mind, knowing their homes are protected against wildlife intrusions and the harsh elements of nature.